How far in advance should I cancel my appointment?

Please cancel or reschedule your appointment no later than 24 hours prior to your service. I understand that life happens.

Are walk-ins welcome?

No, all services must have an appointment time. You may book through the “Book Appointment” tab at the top of the page or by clicking on any of the services pictures. This will bring you to booking site where you can find the perfect time and date that works for you.

How early should I arrive for my appointment?

If this is your first time to Wildflower Spa, I suggest arriving 5-10 min before your appointment so you can fill out and we can review your Client Intake Form together. If you have been to the spa before, arriving on time is great.

Should I do anything before my service?

For all services, I recommend stopping all Retin-A, Retinoids, Tretinoin, or any other skin resurfacing products 72 hours prior to your service.

If you can, save your products and arrive with a clean face.

Please allow 4-6 weeks of hair growth for optimal waxing benefit.

What should I do after my service?

Relax! This is your sign to put on your comfy PJs, watch your favorite show, or watch the hummingbirds while you sip some chamomile tea. Resting and relaxing is what your body is asking for, so take advantage of it.

Drink plenty of water, especially if you’re getting anything with lymphatic drainage. It’s like flushing your internal plumbing system, water makes everything move a little easier.

You can resume your normal skin care regimen after your service. You should be all set for the rest of the day. All services get a hyaluronic acid moisturizer and SPF 50+.

Is it rude to speak during my service?

Absolutely not! This is your service; you get to navigate and dictate how it flows. Sometimes you might want to remain more still and others you might need to express more. Both are great, the only thing that matters is you have the service you deserve, and you leave feeling better than when you arrived.

What should I wear for my service?

During facials I recommend a clear chest. This means either putting bra straps under your arm pits or taking your bra off. You will be covered the whole time, with a cozy quilt while you lay on a heated massage table.

During facials you receive an upper body, arm and hand massage. I recommend taking off all jewelry to avoid product getting stuck in it. This includes earrings, rings, bracelets, necklaces, and watches.

Where Should I park?

Wildflower spa is located at 301 9th Ave East. The spa is in the back part of the house. It has a separate entrance and parking located off 2nd St. SE. Park in the driveway in front of the double white garage.

I don’t know what Facial I need?

Reach out! I would love to answer any questions you have.