A botanical spa specializing in advanced skincare techniques.

Microcurrent Facial

Morning Glory Radiance Facial

Morning Glory Radiance Facial

This 90-minute facial includes Microdermabrasion on your face and neck for deep exfoliation. Ultrasonic wave for deep hydration and to revive youthful radiant skin. Lymphatic drainage to flush toxins from your body. As well as a full facial filled with warm aromatherapy towels, shoulder, neck, arm and hand massage. A hydration mask to seal in all the radiance that lasts up to 4 weeks. You get $195 worth of services for only $140!

Organic skincare products

—Skin brightening oils designed to even out skin texture and tone giving your skin a youthful glow.

—Calendula oil for sensitive skin, Rosacea, and acne prone skin.

Wildflower Spa

301 9th Ave. East
Havana, FL 32333


Tuesday –Friday
9:00 am – 2:30 pm

Saturday 10:00-5:00pm

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